A formula to determine if value is part of set


I have a set of numbers that start at 2 and increment by 60. Given any value, I want to test if the value belongs to the set. For example, these numbers belong to the set:

2, 62, 122, 182, 242, etc.

These numbers do not belong to the set:

0, 1, 3...61, 63...121,123...181 etc

I'm looking for the shortest way that this can be tested using Kotlin.


Something as simple as this, should work.

val number = 62
val isPart = number % 60 == 2
println(isPart) //will print true

But if you really have an actual set, I'd just recommend to actually check if the number it is part of the set, because that would have a time complexity of O(1).

val ourSet = hashSetOf(2,62,122)//and so on
val number = 122
val isPart = number in ourSet
println(isPart) //will print true


val isPartSecondOption = ourSet.contains(number)
println(isPartSecondOption) //will print true

Collected from the Internet

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