Electron ES6 module import


Electron 3.0.0-beta.1 Node 10.2.0 Chromium 66.0.3359.181

The problem I'm having is importing a module. I created the following protocol:

protocol.registerFileProtocol('client', (request, callback) => {
    var url = request.url.substr(8);
    callback({path: path.join(__dirname, url)});

The output of the protocol is the correct path


I have the following module app.js with the following code:

export function square() {
    return 'hello';

in my index.html I import the module like so:

    <script type="module" >
        import square from 'client://app.js';

But I keep getting the error:

app.js/:1 Failed to load module script: The server responded with a non-JavaScript MIME type of "". Strict MIME type checking is enforced for module scripts per HTML spec.

I'm done searches but can't seem to find a solution. Can anyone suggest a way I can make this work?


Hans Koch

This is a tricky question and i will refer to Electron#12011 and this GitHub Gist for a deeper explaination but the core learning is that the corresponding HTML spec, disallows import via file:// (For XSS reasons) and a protocol must have the mime types defined.

The file protocol you use client:// has to set the correct mime-types when serving the files. Currently i would guess they are not set when you define the protocol via protocol.registerBufferProtocol thus you recive a The server responded with a non-JavaScript MIME type of "", the gist above has a code sample on how to do it.

Edit: I just want to emphasize the other answers here do only cover the absolute minimum basics implementation with no consideration of exceptions, security, or future changes. I highly recommend taking the time and read trough the gist I linked.

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