gdb: how do you get the max value of a std::vector<float>?

Trevor Boyd Smith

I am debugging some C++ code and I have a really large std::vector<floating_point_type> (float or double). In C++ code when I want the max value of the std::vector I can just use std::max_element(). So in gdb I tried to use the same code, but I got an error.

In gdb I used call std::max_element(x) and got an error message No symbol "max_element" in namespace "std".

Is there any way to get the max value of a vector in gdb?

I would also appreciate an explanation for why my attempt at using std::max_element was not working (perhaps std::max_element a header-only or inline function).

StoryTeller - Unslander Monica

std::max_element is a function template, not a function. You are asking GDB to do template argument deduction and the whole shebang involved with calling a template function without specifying arguments. It can't do that, naturally, it's not a full fledged compiler.

As far as I know any solution, from the simplest to the most complex, will require of you to modify your source in such a way that std::max_element is instantiated for the iterator types of your vector. So you may as well add "debug only" code that computes the maximum element and stores it into a local variable.

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