NA values are not recognized properly using dplyr

C. Sebastian

I have a dataset with two columns, in one of them are missing values. I load it using

data <- read_excel("file.xlsx") %>%
  select("ID", "Value")

The tibble looks like that

ID Value
1 2
NA 4
32 1

The NAs are recognized as such. However, I use

data["ID"=="NA"] <- NA

to ensure that this is not the problem (R: does not pick up NA value).

When I try to filter:

data %>%

the whole tibble stays the same, and no row is deleted. So I try

data %>%
isna <-

and all isna are FALSE.

Why doesn't recognize dplyr the NAs?

I am grateful for every help!


Welcome to SO! Use this to get NAs mutated and then delete the NAs:

data <- data %>% 
  mutate(ID = ifelse(ID == "NA",NA,ID)) %>%

Collected from the Internet

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