MYSQL order by - NULL values impacting my results


A table of about 200 rows, 15 of which will have a numeric value rankClass (1-15). The rest will have NULL values.

ORDER BY rankClass,nameLast

It posts the rows with NULL values first, and when I add DESC, of course, it lists it set rows first, but 15-1. I'd like it to list those with values first, 1-15, then the rest by nameLast.

I've tried coalesce, but it goes 1,10,11,12,13,14,15,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.

How would I get the results I'm looking for?

Thank you.


You could explicitly check for nulls in the rankClass, and order by an expression that moves them to the end:

FROM     mytable
ORDER BY rankClass IS NULL, -- false comes before true

Collected from the Internet

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