sort an array of objects on multiple key using array-sort

Sadiq Sikkandhar

I have a requirement where the array of objects needs to be sorted on certain keys. The keys with which it needs to be sorted is dynamic and it is Not fixed. I came across array-sort in npm library. Using that, am able to sort on multiple keys but it sorts only on ascending order.

const input = [{id:'1',name:'John',city:'Denver',State:'CO'},
               {id:'2',name:'Smith',city:'San Fransisco',State:'CA'},

I want to sort on State (asc), city (asc) and id (desc). My output should look like

 {id:'2',name:'Smith',city:'San Fransisco',State:'CA'}, 

Can anyone please let me know how i can implement sorting on descending using array-sort



Maybe you want a JavaScript function like this?

function multicolumnSort(data, orders) {
    return data.sort((e1, e2) => {
        for (var i = 0; i < orders.length; i++)
            if (e1[orders[i].column] != e2[orders[i].column])
                return orders[i].desc ^ e2[orders[i].column] < e1[orders[i].column]? 1 : -1;
        return 0;

Then, you may call the function with your order keys:

let orders = [
        column: 'State'
        column: 'city'
        column: 'id',
        desc: true

let result = multicolumnSort(input, orders);

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