how to remove file/folder path from string using regex

Raj De Inno

I want to remove any file/folder path from the given string. I use regex to identify the paths and replace it with empty string.

This is my example string.

\\\c\Logs\AccessService\2021\June  The public disk is: \\diskA\FolderB\SubFolderC\Files file path /log/file.txt some lines /log/var/file2.txt 

My require output is,


I should remove the above strings and should get my final output, The public disk is: file path some lines

I tried below regex. but it is only identifying files. I need to identify any dynamic files/folders. Note: forward or backward slash may come in the start of the filepath.

My code :

 import re
 re.sub(r"(\/.*?\.[\w:]+)", "", input)
The fourth bird

One option could be starting the match (instead of using re.sub) with either \\ or /

  • (?<!\S) Assert a whitspace boundary to the left
  • (?: Non capture group
    • \\\\\S+ match \\ and 1+ non whitespace chars (no spaces)
    • | Or
    • \/.*? Match / then as least as possible chars (including spaces)
    • \.[\w:]+ Match . and 1+ occurrences of either a word char or :
  • ) Close non capture group

See a Regex demo

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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