How can I fix this error when I try to find a palindrome?


I need to find if some strings in a set are palindromes, irrespective of their case. I am reversing the words in the set, converting them to lowercase, then saying if they match, add it to the palindrom set. When i do it, this is what i get.

Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-621af373c5f5> in <module>()
      5  print(word, palindrome)
      6  wordLower = word.lower
----> 7  if (wordLower==wordLower[::-1]):
      8    palindrome.add(word)

TypeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object is not subscriptable

My code is below.

`words = {'maDam', 'kIng', 'ANna', 'kayak', 'levels', 'dad', 'morning'}

palindrome = set()

for word in words: print(word, palindrome) wordLower = word.lower if (wordLower==wordLower[::-1]): palindrome.add(word)`

Scott Hunter

word.lower is the function itself; word.lower() is the result of calling that function (which it seems what you actually want).

Collected from the Internet

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