Angular routerLink w/o "[]"

<a [routerLink]="..."/>
<a routerLink="..."/>

I see in the tutorial they've used two types of syntaxes for routerLink attribute.

I cannot find any documents which tell the differences between them.

Matan Shushan

This is something that is very important to know about Angular! when you are using [] around you're property it means that it equal to some variable from the script and if it is not covered by this [] is just the string is equal to

this is the two ways to get TS variables to the template


export class DemoComponent implements OnInit {
    someLinkFromTheTS:string = "/home";


<a [routerLink]="someLinkFromTheTS"/>
<a routerLink="{{someLinkFromTheTS}}"/>

And if you do not want to use variables

<a routerLink="/home"/>

The brackets tell Angular to evaluate the template expression. If you omit the brackets, Angular treats the string as a constant and initializes the target property with that string.

this is a very important concept

Collected from the Internet

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