Regex for all decimal numbers to match English format


I do have a code that is responsible for replacing all String decimal values with comma separator into String decimal value with point separator, but not all cases are covered.

value.replaceAll(",(?=[0-9]+,)", "").replaceAll(",", ".")

52,52d => 52.52d

65.00f => 65.00f

123,50 => 123.50

1,234,567,89 => 1234567.89

1,234,567.89 => 1234.567.89 (BAD), should be 1234567.89

The fourth bird

You might first replace all the last comma's with a dot, and then replace the rest of the comma's with an empty string.

  • , Match literally
  • (?= Positive lookahead, assert what is directly to the right is
    • \d+[df]? Match 1+ digits and optional d or f
    • (?!\S) Assert a whitspace boundary to the right
  • ) Close lookahead

Example code:

String s = "52,52d\n"
        + "65.00f\n"
        + "123,50\n"
        + "1,234,567,89\n"
        + "1,234,567.89";

        .replaceAll(",(?=\\d+[df]?(?!\\S))", ".")
        .replaceAll(",", "")



See a Java demo

If there is more text that can contain a comma and you don't want to replace those as a side effect, you can also first match all the parts where you want to do the replacements on and for those matches do the replacements.


Regex demo

Collected from the Internet

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