How can I manipulate JSON data in dart / flutter for use in a listview



I have the following JSON data that is being remotely retrieved via an async request, that I'm trying to build a list view out of in Flutter.

As you can see the first item is 'logged in' which is totally different from all the other items

I'm having a lot of trouble in flutter when trying to build a list view out of the data (I'm a total flutter noob --> This is day 0).

    "loggedin": "0"
    "id": "1",
    "title": "Title 1",
    "excerpt": "",
    "thumb": "Image 1.jpg",
    "threadid": "1",
    "fid": "1",
    "commentcount": "1",
    "postdate": 1
}, {
    "id": "2",
    "title": "Title 2",
    "excerpt": "",
    "thumb": "Image 2.jpg",
    "threadid": "2",
    "fid": "2",
    "commentcount": "2",
    "postdate": 2
}, {
    "id": "3",
    "title": "Title 3",
    "excerpt": "",
    "thumb": "Image3.jpg",
    "threadid": "3",
    "fid": "3",
    "commentcount": "3",
    "postdate": 3

My Conceptual Solution

I was thinking of stripping out the first item logged in and forming a whole new Json array with just Items 1-3

My Question

Is it possible to iterate through the decoded json data and form a new array?

I can successfully access an individual item in my list as follows:

  _map = json.decode(response.body)[1];

However when I try to iterate through my list it fails

      final decoded = json.decode(response.body) as dynamic;
              decoded.forEach((key, value) {
                if (key != "loggedin") {

If I try to iterate through just one of the items then it does work:

      final decoded = json.decode(response.body)[1] as dynamic;
      decoded.forEach((key, value) {
        debugPrint(key+': '+value);

I needed to iterate through my list as a starting point to pick out the items I want to remove from my final list (basically the item with a key of "loggedin", but I'm failing miserably here


I realize the very concept of my approach is most likely flawed or tedious. If any other alternative approach to achieve my goal seems better I'm all ears! :)


The error's happening because your data is a list of maps but in the list iterator you are passing a function with two parameters, which works for a map.

You should do it like this -

final decoded = json.decode(response.body) as dynamic;
              decoded.forEach((data) {
                //data is a Map

You can access the individual keys like this - data["loggedin"]

To check whether it contains 'loggedin', you can do data.containsKey("loggedin")

For a list, the function in the forEach takes one Argument which is a list item, and for a Map it takes two, a key and its corresponding value.

Collected from the Internet

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