R plotly: Adjust absolute marker size on 3D scatterplot


I am creating a 3D scatterplot using plotly in R and I would like to reduce the marker size of all points.

plot_ly(iris,x=~Petal.Width,y=~Sepal.Width,z=~Petal.Length) %>% 


I tried to set the sizes argument, but that doesn't seem to change anything.

plot_ly(iris,x=~Petal.Width,y=~Sepal.Width,z=~Petal.Length) %>%

Also tried another argument sizeref. Still, nothing happens.

plot_ly(iris,x=~Petal.Width,y=~Sepal.Width,z=~Petal.Length) %>%

Any other solution to decrease the marker size of all points? Or am I doing something wrong?


You were close, the argument is size, and marker should go into plot_ly() instead of add_markers().

        marker = list(size = 20)) %>% 

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