Replace specific dom element with new content


I have a structure like this:

<div class="foo">
  <div class="bar">
    Some content
  Maybe some other content

I defined a custom plugin for editing this section. And I return the new html content to replace the

I set the new content with:


My custom button related to new plugin is working for both: foo and bar divs. I mean the same behaviour is assigned.

The problem is on save: I want to select the dom element and replace it with new html_content. So, instead setting the content for current (not sure what) selection how to set the content for a specific dom element in TinyMCE v.3?

(Update: I don't care what the user selected before pressing MyCustomButton, if something inside foo div is selected the full section to be replaced with new content.)


It seems working with just some jQuery code:

var $old_section = $("iframe").contents().find('').first();

To be improved: get closest .foo to given selection.

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