Loading data from MySQL to table horizontally


I'm loading some data from MySQL database and it looks like this:

| Gray |  S  |
| Gray |  M  |
| Gray |  L  |
| Red  |  S  |
| Red  |  M  |
| Red  |  L  |

I want to load data to my table horizontally like this, grouped by color:

| Gray |  S  |  M  |  L  |  XL  |
| Red  |  S  |  M  |  L  |  XL  |

Here's my code:

<?php foreach($products as $product) {?>
    <td><?php echo $product['color'];?></td>
    <td><?php echo $product['size'];?></td>
<?php   }

Question: how to load data to my table grouped by color per one line? Can I do this without separate MySQL query?


A little bit of manual iteration would be your friend...

$DatabaseResult = [ ['Gray','S'],['Gray','M'],['Gray','L'],['Red','S'],['Red','M'],['Red','L'] ];

$Grouped = array_fill_keys( array_unique( array_column( $DatabaseResult, 0 ) ), array() );

foreach( $DatabaseResult as $row )
  $Grouped[ $row[0] ][] = $row[1];

print_r( $Grouped );

//    [Gray] => Array
//        (
//            [0] => S
//            [1] => M
//            [2] => L
//        )
//    [Red] => Array
//        (
//            [0] => S
//            [1] => M
//            [2] => L
//        )

You would then create two loops, the outer is your "colour" row an the inner is your "size" column

<table border="1">
  <?php foreach( $Grouped as $colour => $sizes ) {?>
      <td><?php echo $colour;?></td>
      <?php foreach($sizes as $size) {?>
        <td><?php echo $size;?></td>
      <?php } ?>
  <?php } ?>

In addition, if you needed to print a size chart of availability you could do this...

$Products = [

// Helper function to locate products from the array
function SearchProductArray( $products, $color, $size )
  foreach( $products as $product )
    if( $product[ 'color' ] == $color and $product[ 'size' ] == $size )
      return $product;
  return false;

// Locate all the unique Values
$Colours = array_unique( array_column( $Products, 'color' ) );
$Sizes = ['SS','S','M','L','XL','XXL'];


<table border="1">
    <?php foreach( $Sizes as $Size ) {?>
      <td><?php echo $Size;?></td>
    <?php } ?>
  <?php foreach( $Colours as $Colour ) {?>
      <td><?php echo $Colour;?></td>
      <?php foreach( $Sizes as $Size ) { $Product = SearchProductArray( $Products, $Colour, $Size ); ?>
        <td><?php echo ( $Product ) ? $Product['quantity'] : '&nbsp'; ?></td>
      <?php } ?>
  <?php } ?>

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