Making a list ouf of values in a DataFrame depending on values in another column


I have a pandas dataframe as shown here. There are many more columns in that frame that are not important concerning the task.

id    pos      value       sente
1     a         I           21
2     b         have        21
3     b         a           21
4     a         cat         21
5     d         !           21
1     a         My          22
2     a         cat         22
3     b         is          22
4     a         cute        22
5     d         .           22

I would like to make a list out of certain colums so the first sentence (sente=21) and every other looks something like that. Meaing that every sentence has an unique entry for itself.

`[('I', 'a', '1'), ..., ('!','d','5')]`

I already have a function to do this for one sentence but I can not figure out how to do it for all sentences (sentences that have the same sente value) in the frame.

`class SentenceGetter(object):
  def __init__(self, data):
    self.n_sent = 1 = data
    self.empty = False
  def get_next(self):
    for t in
            s =[(["sente"] == 21)]
            self.n_sent += 1
            self.empty = True
            return None,None,None

foo = SentenceGetter(df)
sent, pos, token = foo.get_next()
in = zip(token, pos, sent)


As my frame is very large there is no way to use constructions like this:

df.loc[((df["sente"] == df["sente"].shift(-1)) & (df["sente"] == df["sente"].shift(+1))), ["pos","value","id"]]

Any ideas?


If you are open to using the standard library, collections.defaultdict offers an O(n) solution:

from collections import defaultdict

d = defaultdict(list)

for _, num, *data in df[['sente', 'value', 'pos', 'id']].itertuples():


            {21: [('I', 'a', 1),
                  ('have', 'b', 2),
                  ('a', 'b', 3),
                  ('cat', 'a', 4),
                  ('!', 'd', 5)],
             22: [('My', 'a', 1),
                  ('cat', 'a', 2),
                  ('is', 'b', 3),
                  ('cute', 'a', 4),
                  ('.', 'd', 5)]})

Collected from the Internet

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