How to add additional props to a React element passed in as a prop?


I am passing a react element as a prop to another element. In the child element that receives the prop, I need to set additional props to that element.

For example:

Parent class

class Menu Extends React.Component {
    render() {
            <div className="Menu">
                <MenuItem icon={<MdInbox />} />
                <MenuItem icon={<MdDrafts />} />
                <MenuItem icon={<MdTrash />} />

Child class

class MenuItem Extends React.Component {
    render() {
            <div className="MenuItem">
                {this.props.icon} // I want to set the icon's size prop here

this.props.icon is a React element (<MdInbox />, <MdTrash />, etc), and it allows for a property size. I want to set the size property in the MenuItem class, as opposed to passing the prop in from the parent like this: <MenuItem icon={<MdInbox size={24} />}. I'd prefer just to set the size in one place only, within the MenuItem class.


Pass in the component constructor instead of an instance:

class Menu extends React.Component {
    render() {
            <div className="Menu">
                <MenuItem icon={MdInbox} />
                <MenuItem icon={MdDrafts} />
                <MenuItem icon={MdTrash} />

The child class:

class MenuItem extends React.Component {
    render() {
        // This constant must begin with a capital,
        // it’s how React distinguishes HTML elements from components.
        const Icon = this.props.icon;
            <div className="MenuItem">
                <Icon size={24} />

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