Cannot find a differ supporting object angular / angularfire2

Carlos Uriel Santiago

I am trying to make a ngFor but I receive the following error [![enter image description here][1]][1]

<div class="col-md-4" *ngIf="service | async as service"><!-- categoryes -->
     <div *ngFor="let offer of offers">
         <div *ngFor="let o of offer">
              {{ o }}


this.serviceDoc = this.afs.doc('service/Estética');
this.service =  this.serviceDoc.valueChanges();
this.service.subscribe(data => {
  this.offers = Array.of(data.service);


{"Cabello":{"Cortes":{"img":"","name":"Cortes"},"Peinados":{"img":"","name":"Peinados"},"Rizos":{"img":"","name":"Rizos"},"Tintes":{"img":"","name":"Tintes"},"color":"#4CAF50","icon":"","img":""},"Manos":{"Manicure":{"img":"","name":"Manicure"},"Uñas":{"img":"","name":"Uñas"},"color":"#9C27B0","icon":"","img":""},"Novias y XV años":{"Maquillaje XV años":{"img":"","name":"Maquillaje XV años"},"Peinados XV años":{"img":"","name":"Peinados XV años"},"Uñas XV años":{"img":"","name":"Uñas XV años"},"color":"#FCE4EC","icon":"","img":""},"Pies y piernas":{"Depilación":{"img":"","name":"Depilación"},"Pedicure":{"img":"","name":"Pedicure"},"Uñas pies":{"img":"","name":"Uñas en pies"},"color":"#03A9F4","icon":"","img":""},"Rostro":{"Cejas":{"img":"","name":"Cejas y pestañas"},"Exfoliacion":{"img":"","name":"Exfoliación"},"Maquillaje":{"img":"","name":"Maquillaje"},"Microblanding":{"img":"","name":"Microblanding"},"color":"#FFC107","icon":"","img":""},"Spa":{"Barro":{"img":"","name":"Barro"},"Masaje":{"img":"","name":"Masaje"},"Piedras":{"img":"","name":"Piedras calientes"},"Temazcal":{"img":"","name":"Temazcal"},"color":"#795548","icon":"","img":""}}

Based on your JSON, actually,

this.offers = Array.of(data.service);

returns a Object of objects.As the error denotes You need an array to bind with ngFor. You can convert to array of objects with this

this.offers = Object.values(data.service)

Collected from the Internet

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