How to deploy Laravel 5.5 app to Godaddy cPanel shared hosting


I'm relatively new to Laravel. I'm confused on what is the proper way to deploy a Laravel 5.5 app to a Godaddy cPanel shared hosting. I've read multiple posts on the subject and they give conflicting advice.

Part of what I'm not clear on is do I copy all my files to the server and then run the following composer commands?:

composer install --optimize-autoloader and php artisan config:cache

I get the part where I should create a folder on the server outside of the public_html folder, placing all of the app files there except what is in the app's public subfolder.

If I want to run the app from a subfolder how would I do that? For example,

The examples I found where for only running it from the public_html folder itself. Would it just involve changing the file paths in the www/index.php?


I figured out how to deploy Laravel on a Godaddy shared hosting plan after reading more posts about the subject. Here are the steps I took:

  1. Created a new folder outside the public_html folder and uploaded all of the app files to that folder except the vendor folder.
  2. Using SSH access, I ran the command curl -sS | php in the newly created app folder on the server.
  3. I removed the public folder from the Laravel app folder, placed it inside the public_html folder and renamed it to the name of my project.
  4. I modified the file paths in the index.php in the project folder so they pointed to the laravel app folder like so:

    require __DIR__.'/../../laravel/bootstrap/autoload.php';

    $app = require_once __DIR__.'/../../laravel/bootstrap/app.php';

  5. I installed the dependencies by running the command in SSH: php composer.phar install, then adding the necessary cache by running: php artisan config:cache

That was it. I did it using Godaddy cPanel shared hosting. Before attempting this make sure the PHP version is set to 7.1. I wanted to post my steps because I found some of the tutorials on this subject either were confusing, gave conflicting advice or didn't provide all the necessary steps.

Collected from the Internet

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