Referencing class instance through lists


I have two classes. Province creates a bunch of instances of Areas, and puts them in its self.areas list. I want for an Areas instance to access the attributes (or other data) of the Province instance which contains it in its self.areas list. To visualize:

class Province:
    def __init__(self, stuff="spam"):
        self.stuff = stuff
        self.areas = list()
    def makeareas(self):
        # make instances of Areas and put them in self.areas

class Areas:
    def __init__(self):
    def access_stuff(self):
        # access stuff of the Province where it is in its list

How do I accomplish this? More importantly, is this even a correct approach? Is there a more reasonable and easier way to do this that I don't know of?

Stephen Rauch

When instantiating an Area pass it a reference to province like:


class Province:
    def __init__(self, stuff="spam"):
        self.stuff = stuff
        self.areas = list()

    def makeareas(self, area):
        self.areas.append(Areas(area, self))

class Areas:
    def __init__(self, area, province):
        self.area = area
        self.province = province

    def access_stuff(self):
        # access stuff of the Province where it is in its list
        return '%s - %s ' %(self.area, self.province.stuff)

Test Code:

p = Province('This is stuff')
# Examples

for area in p.areas:


area1 - This is stuff 
area2 - This is stuff 

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