Prolog CSPs: Less than constraint with instantiated counters


Using Eclipse prolog and assuming I have a variable X and X must be less than a known number N. For this i can write:

X #< N

So, whenever X gets instantiated to a number larger than N the suspended predicate above fails.

But that if i have a counter C that starts from 0, increases during search and fails if it surpasses N?

For example what if I want to track the number of times a value is selected from a domain and the constraint is to never exceed N times. I can't do the above because Counter C gets instantiated to 0 and uses other variables for the incrementation (C1 is C+1).

do I have to do it with pure prolog? Something like this:

pred(X, N):- X1 is X+1, X1<N, pred(X1, N)

OP here. I found what I was looking for. It's a cardinality constraint and is implemented in the ic global library of eclipse prolog.

Collected from the Internet

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