Add calculated Field between Pivot 'Columns' based on 'Values' data


I have a report that I am working on to show variance between two quarterly periods. I have an SQL query that I am reading into a pandas dataframe, and then pivoting.

Here is my code for that piece:

    df = pd.read_sql_query(mtd_query, cnxn, params=[report_start, end_mtd, report_start, end_mtd, whse])
    ##(m-1)//3 + 1  Determine which Quarter each month is
    ## Create the "Period" column by combining the Quater and the Month
    df['QUARTER'] = (df['INV_MONTH'].astype(int) - 1)//3 + 1
    df['PERIOD'] = df['INV_YEAR'].astype(str) + 'Q' + df['QUARTER'].astype(int).astype(str)
    df['MARGIN'] = (df['PROFIT'].astype(float) / df['SALES'].astype(float))

    df = df.drop('INV_MONTH', axis=1)
    df = df.drop('INV_YEAR', axis=1)
    df = pd.pivot_table(df, index=['REP', 'REP_NAME', 'CUST_NO', 'CUST_NAME', 'TOTALSALES'], columns=['PERIOD'], values=['SALES', 'PROFIT', 'MARGIN'], fill_value=0)
    df = df.reorder_levels([1, 0], axis=1).sort_index(axis=1, ascending=False)
    df = df.sortlevel(level=0, ascending=True)

I am trying to determine the difference between the 'MARGIN' columns between 'PERIOD'. I have been unable to find any way to accomplish this. Any suggestion is appreciated.

Current Output shows:

PERIOD                                                                                            2017Q4                                 2017Q3                                 2017Q2                                 2017Q1                                 2016Q4                        
                                                                                                   SALES        PROFIT    MARGIN          SALES        PROFIT    MARGIN          SALES        PROFIT    MARGIN          SALES        PROFIT    MARGIN          SALES        PROFIT    MARGIN
REP    REP_NAME                       CUST_NO  CUST_NAME                      TOTALSALES                                                                                                                                                                                                    
1.0    Greensboro - House             245.0    TE CONNECTIVITY CORPORATION    103361.05         0.000000      0.000000  0.000000     434.500000     69.520000  0.160000   20391.666667   3262.666667  0.160000       0.000000      0.000000  0.000000       0.000000      0.000000  0.000000
                                      1789.0   GOOD HOUSEKEEPER               50108.47        678.508182     80.170909  0.145883     585.301429     64.180476  0.121915     718.685000     92.033125  0.130453     720.729333     97.955333  0.134821    1237.308333     88.210000  0.099450

Desired Output would look like below:

PERIOD                                                                                            2017Q4                                 2017Q3                                 2017Q2                                 2017Q1                                 2016Q4                        
                                                                                                   SALES        PROFIT    MARGIN   VARIANCE          SALES        PROFIT    MARGIN    VARIANCE          SALES        PROFIT    MARGIN    VARIANCE          SALES        PROFIT    MARGIN    VARIANCE          SALES        PROFIT    MARGIN
REP    REP_NAME                       CUST_NO  CUST_NAME                      TOTALSALES                                                                                                                                                                                                    
1.0    Greensboro - House             245.0    TE CONNECTIVITY CORPORATION    103361.05         0.000000      0.000000  0.000000    -.16         434.500000     69.520000  0.160000    0           20391.666667   3262.666667  0.160000    .16           0.000000      0.000000  0.000000      0            0.000000      0.000000  0.000000
                                      1789.0   GOOD HOUSEKEEPER               50108.47        678.508182     80.170909  0.145883    .023968     585.301429     64.180476  0.121915    -0.008537     718.685000     92.033125  0.130453    -.004368     720.729333     97.955333  0.134821     .035372       1237.308333     88.210000  0.099450

df.to_dict('r') below:

[{('2016Q4', 'SALES'): 0.0, ('2017Q3', 'PROFIT'): 69.520000000000067, ('2017Q1', 'PROFIT'): 0.0, ('2017Q2', 'SALES'): 20391.666666666668, ('2017Q3', 'MARGIN'): 0.16, ('2016Q4', 'PROFIT'): 0.0, ('2017Q3', 'SALES'): 434.5, ('2017Q1', 'SALES'): 0.0, ('2017Q4', 'SALES'): 0.0, ('2016Q4', 'MARGIN'): 0.0, ('2017Q4', 'PROFIT'): 0.0, ('2017Q1', 'MARGIN'): 0.0, ('2017Q4', 'MARGIN'): 0.0, ('2017Q2', 'MARGIN'): 0.16, ('2017Q2', 'PROFIT'): 3262.6666666666665}, {('2016Q4', 'SALES'): 1237.3083333333332, ('2017Q3', 'PROFIT'): 64.180476190476185, ('2017Q1', 'PROFIT'): 97.9553333333333, ('2017Q2', 'SALES'): 718.68500000000006, ('2017Q3', 'MARGIN'): 0.1219152103415191, ('2016Q4', 'PROFIT'): 88.209999999999994}]

I couldn't get the above solution to work.
So I did this:

df['MARGIN'] = (df['PROFIT'].astype(float) / df['SALES'].astype(float))
df['MARGIN'] = df['MARGIN'].astype(float)
df['PREV_MARGIN'] = df['MARGIN'].shift(-1)
df['VARIANCE'] = df['MARGIN'] - df['PREV_MARGIN']
df = df.drop('PREV_MARGIN', axis=1)

This gets me the data I need to complete my work.

Collected from the Internet

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