VBA 'User Defined Type Not Defined' Compile Error with Outlook

Rafael Osipov

I have a big Excel file that sends, with a command button, e-mails to Managers at work, and then they can press the button and it sends the files to Managers below them.

Since every manager has her/his own version of MS Office, I have a sub that checks which version (s)he has on her/his computer and marks V in References.

When I save the file, I save it in a status that Outlook Object Library is not marked with V, and I have code that someone else built. The code runs through 3 subs. The first sub has a msgbox that when you answer on it, Yes , it sends you to next sub.

Public Sub before_send_mail()

    answer = MsgBox("Send Email?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Empty Sheet")

    If answer = vbYes Then
        Call excel_ver
        Call sendMail
        Call remove_ref
     'do nothing
    End If

End Sub

Then, I have the "references picker by office version" that checks which version there is installed on the computer and marks V automatically in Tools---->References in Outlook object. That part seems to work well too.

Sub excel_ver()

    On Error Resume Next
    ver = Application.Version

    If ver = 16 Then
        tmp_name = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\MSOUTL.OLB"
        Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.References.AddFromFile tmp_name
        Exit Sub
    End If

    If ver = 15 Then
        tmp_name = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\MSOUTL.OLB"
        Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.References.AddFromFile tmp_name
        Exit Sub
    End If

    If ver = 14 Then
        tmp_name = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\MSOUTL.OLB"
        Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.References.AddFromFile tmp_name
        Exit Sub
    End If

End Sub

And then we get to the problem. When I get to sub sendMail it gives me an error on the line Dim applOL As Outlook.Application

Public Sub sendMail()

    Call ini_set

    If mail_msg.Cells(200, 200) = 1 Then

        lr = main_dist.Cells(main_dist.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

        On Error Resume Next

        For i = 2 To lr

            Application.DisplayAlerts = False

            Dim applOL As Outlook.Application 'Here is the error ---- that line
            Dim miOL As Outlook.MailItem
            Dim recptOL As Outlook.Recipient

            mail_msg.Visible = True

            mailSub = mail_msg.Range("B1")
            mailBody = mail_msg.Range("B2")

            mail_msg.Visible = False

            Set applOL = New Outlook.Application
            Set miOL = applOL.CreateItem(olMailItem)
            Set recptOL = miOL.Recipients.Add(main_dist.Cells(i, 5))
            recptOL.Type = olTo

            tempPath = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & main_dist.Cells(i, 4) & ".xlsm"

            With miOL
                .Subject = mailSub
                .Body = mailBody
                .Attachments.Add tempPath
            End With

            Set applOL = Nothing
            Set miOL = Nothing
            Set recptOL = Nothing

            Application.DisplayAlerts = True

        Next i
   End If
End Sub
Tim Williams

Should run with no reference required:

Public Sub sendMail()

    Dim applOL As Object, miOL As Object, recptOL As Object
    Dim i As Long


    If mail_msg.Cells(200, 200) = 1 Then

        Set applOL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

        For i = 2 To main_dist.Cells(main_dist.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

            Set miOL = applOL.CreateItem(0)  'olMailItem=0
            Set recptOL = miOL.Recipients.Add(main_dist.Cells(i, 5))
            recptOL.Type = 1  ' olTo=1

            With miOL
                .Subject = mail_msg.Range("B1")
                .Body = mail_msg.Range("B2")
                .Attachments.Add ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & _
                                 main_dist.Cells(i, 4) & ".xlsm"
            End With
        Next i
        Set applOL = Nothing
   End If
End Sub

EDIT: in the code above I removed some of your "single-use" variables, but that's just my preference...

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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