Add a new column if multiple columns have negative value


I am trying to add a new column "result" in my dataframe df1, if the condition is

  1. select only specific columns (from count1:count3 columns) have negative value, then result = "negative"
  2. if any one of the columns (count1, count2, count3) have a positive value the result = "positive"


df1<- data.frame(ID= c("ID1","ID2","ID3","ID4"), count1 = c(1,-1,0,-1), count2 = c(1,-1,-1,1), count3 = c(1,-1,1,-1))

expected output

df2 <- data.frame(ID= c("ID1","ID2","ID3","ID4"),count1 = c(1,-1,1,-1), count2 = c(1,-1,-1,1), count3 = c(1,-1,1,-1), result = c("positive","negative","positive","positive"))

  ID count1 count2 count3   result
 ID1      1      1      1 positive
 ID2     -1     -1     -1 negative
 ID3      1     -1      1 positive
 ID4     -1      1     -1 positive
Karthik S

Does this work:

apply(df1,1,function(x) if(all(x > 0)) 'positive' else 'negative')
[1] "positive" "negative" "negative" "negative"

df1 %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(result = if_else(all(c_across(cols = everything()) > 0),'positive','negative'))
# A tibble: 4 x 4
# Rowwise: 
  count1 count2 count3 result  
   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>   
1      1      1      1 positive
2     -1     -1     -1 negative
3      0     -1      1 negative
4     -1      1     -1 negative

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