Get #ERROR! and #NAME? in cell sheet when I use the .setFormula () in Google Apps Script


I'm trying to include a function in cells in a column, based on the value of the cell in the same row in the next column and the value in a fixed cell.

I have created my code in GAS that you can see here:

function enviar_datos_formulario_anadir_mascota_a_bd_fichas() {

  var libro = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var hojaOrigen = libro.getSheetByName("Añadir ficha");
  var hojaDestino = libro.getSheetByName("BD Fichas");

  var row = hojaDestino.getLastRow() + 1;

  var fechaHoy = hojaDestino.getRange("H6").setFormula("=TODAY()");
  var fechaNacimiento = hojaDestino.getRange(row, 9); 
  var edad = hojaDestino.getRange(row, 8);



I have also tried with:


And also with:


For whatever reason, I can't get it to work. It throws me the #ERROR! or #NAME? notice. I attach screenshots below:

error setformula

name error setformula

Could someone tell me what the problem really is?

Thank you in advance

Kin Siang

You can use the following Apps Script function to solve your problem, just replace the Sheet name with your version then should be working, one the main problem of your existing code is did not obtain A1notation and you do not need to perform escape in the formula if you want to refer to other range and variable hojaOrigen was not used at all:

function UntitledMacro3() {
  var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
  var sheetD = spreadsheet.getSheetByName('Dockets');
  var sheetU = spreadsheet.getSheetByName('USERNAMES');

  var row = sheetU.getLastRow() + 1;

  var fechaHoyrange = sheetU.getRange("H6");
  var fechaHoy = fechaHoyrange.getA1Notation();
  var fechaNacimiento = sheetU.getRange(row, 9).getA1Notation(); 

  var edad = sheetU.getRange(row, 8);

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