subtract each row from all other rows and view as matrix in python


I have df like this:

id   date
1    01-02-2013
2    01-06-2013
3    05-31-2013
4    07-06-2013

and I want to build a matrix that shows me for each id, the time elapsed between the specific id to all others ( in days). i.e. something like this:

   1  2  3    4
1  0  4 -149  -185
2  4  0  -145  -181


df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])
df.set_index('id', inplace=True)

You can just subtract all the values of date column from each value in it, End result is:

df['date'].apply(lambda x:x-df['date'])
id        1        2         3         4
1    0 days  -4 days -149 days -185 days
2    4 days   0 days -145 days -181 days
3  149 days 145 days    0 days  -36 days
4  185 days 181 days   36 days    0 days

And if you don't want to display days string, you can use dt.days attribute to access the number of days:

df['date'].apply(lambda x:x-df['date']).apply(lambda x: x.dt.days)
id    1    2    3    4
1     0   -4 -149 -185
2     4    0 -145 -181
3   149  145    0  -36
4   185  181   36    0

You can finally use .values attribute if you want to get numpy array:

df['date'].apply(lambda x:x-df['date']).apply(lambda x: x.dt.days).values

array([[   0,   -4, -149, -185],
       [   4,    0, -145, -181],
       [ 149,  145,    0,  -36],
       [ 185,  181,   36,    0]], dtype=int64)

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