Short running background task in .NET Core


I just discovered IHostedService and .NET Core 2.1 BackgroundService class. I think idea is awesome. Documentation.

All examples I found are used for long running tasks (until application die). But I need it for short time. Which is the correct way of doing it?

For example:
I want to execute a few queries (they will take approx. 10 seconds) after application starts. And only if in development mode. I do not want to delay application startup so IHostedService seems good approach. I can not use Task.Factory.StartNew, because I need dependency injection.

Currently I am doing like this:

public class UpdateTranslatesBackgroundService: BackgroundService
    private readonly MyService _service;

    public UpdateTranslatesBackgroundService(MyService service)
        //MService injects DbContext, IConfiguration, IMemoryCache, ...
        this._service = service;

    protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
        await ...


public static IServiceProvider Build(IServiceCollection services, ...)
    if (hostingEnvironment.IsDevelopment())
        services.AddSingleton<IHostedService, UpdateTranslatesBackgroundService>();

But this seems overkill. Is it? Register singleton (that means class exists while application lives). I don't need this. Just create class, run method, dispose class. All in background task.


There's no need to do any magic for this to work.


  • Register the service you need to run in ConfigureServices
  • Resolve the instance you need in Configure and run it.
  • To avoid blocking, use Task.Run.

You must register the instance, or dependency injection won't work. That's unavoidable; if you need DI, then you have to do it.

Beyond that, it's trivial to do what you ask, like this:

public class Startup
  public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
    Configuration = configuration;

  public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }

  // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
  public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddTransient<MyTasks>(); // <--- This

  // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
  public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
    if (env.IsDevelopment())

      // Blocking

      // Non-blocking
      Task.Run(() => { app.ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService<MyTasks>().Execute(); });


public class MyTasks
  private readonly ILogger _logger;

  public MyTasks(ILogger<MyTasks> logger)
    _logger = logger;

  public void Execute()
    _logger.LogInformation("Hello World");

BackgroundService exists specifically for long running processes; if it's a once of, don't use it.

Collected from the Internet

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