Running Visual Studio Load Test in TFS 2015 locally


I have configured a load test using VS 2013 ultimate to performance test a REST Api. We use TFS 2015 for source control and CI. Tests are pointing to a local (with in company's intranet) REST service endpoint. I want these test to run against every build and configured a build definition in TFS. TFS provides a build step called "Cloud-based Load Test" and thats is not going to help me as I am not planning to run tests on the cloud. what is the best approach to run *.loadtest files ? Has anyone done this ? Is command line my only option ?

Cece Dong - MSFT

Command line is the only option. You need to install VS/mstest on your build agent machine, then add a Command Line task in your build definition. In this task, specify the mstest tool path and add agrument /TestContainer:LoadTest1.loadtest to run the loadtest:

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