Check if the website exists and if not then display Error message under the Form Input Field


I'm fairly new to JS & React and I'm using React Hook Form I have to check if the Website entered into the Website field in my form exists or not. If the URL doesn't exist I have to show an error message as "Website not available" under the Website field which will get rendered using a FormError component.

This is how it looks if Error is generated

(This is a First Name field but since I'm using a common TextField Component it should work here as well)

So, I'm using "url-exists" package to test if a website URL exists and if the website doesn't exists it should generate an error as "Website not available".

I'm using this code to implement.

const websiteCheck = (value) => {
  let str = value;
  let message = "";
    let urlCheck = str.indexOf("http://") == 0 || str.indexOf("https://") == 0;
    if (!urlCheck) {
        console.log("Protocol doesn't exist!");
        str = "http://" + str;
    } else {
        console.log("Protocol exists!");
    urlExists(str, function (err:any, exists:any) {
      if (!exists) {
        message = "Website doesn't exists!" //Just for testing
        console.log("Not available: ", str, exists);
      } else {
        message = "Website exists!"
        console.log("Available: ", str, exists);
        // console.log(exists); // true
  return message;

And I'm calling it as :


This should ideally work but it's giving me "Not available" message in console.log() even if I enter a correct & valid URL. And it still won't render the message I set.

What I found so far from debugging is :

  1. When I submit my form my entered URL is accepted but it won't enter my if(!exists)..else block and I get "Not available" in console.
  2. The second time it's submitting null value (or space idk) which enters the if(!exists)...else block and also says "Not available"

What should I do to get this resolved?


You have to correct a few things here to make it work:

  • you should use <Controller /> when using a Material UI <TextField />, see this section in the docs for more infos about it
  • you need to use the validate function provided by RHF via the rules prop of the <Controller />, check here for all validation options (register and rules use the same interface for validations)
  • urlExists uses a callback, so you need to wrap the call to urlExists into a Promise and set it as the return value of your websiteCheck function. Right now you are returning a string before the callback is even executed. The important thing here is to also make your websiteCheck function async, so that the Promise will get resolved (the validate function from RHF supports using a async function)
  • it's also important to note, that you have to return true for the validate function if the entered value is correct. If not use a string for the error message

Edit React Hook Form - MUI Textfield Validation

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