How to return the last non zero digit of a float value (which were limited to a certain number of decilmals)


Im working on geological datasets and am trying to smooth the data distribution to improve the machine learning algorithms.

I need to calculate the error on certain values by using half of their last decimal, just like most measuring instruments recommend.

Here are some examples of what I would like to obtain from certain numbers:

0.010 -> 0.005
0.020 -> 0.005
0.090 -> 0.005
0.100 -> 0.05
0.600 -> 0.05
0.900 -> 0.05



Convert the value to a string. Count the zeros and use '0.' + num_zeros * '0' + '5' to get the new number as a string. Convert the string to a float.

def half_of_last_non_zero_digit(num):
    return float('0.' + '0' * len(str(num).split('.')[1]) + '5')

Collected from the Internet

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