Swift generic Serializable protocol


I noticed that I have a lot of repeated code for getting/sending JSON to my app's API, but the only thing that is different is what entity is being (de)serialized. So I came up with the following design (for brevity only the GET method):


func getEntityJSON<T: JSONSerializable>(
    type: T.Type,
    url: String,
    completionHandler: @escaping (_ result: T?,
                                  _ headers: [String: String]?,
                                  _ statusCode: Int?,
                                  _ error: Error?) -> Void) {
    HttpClient.sharedInstance().getJSON(url, completionHandler: { (jsonData, headers, statusCode, error) in
        if let error = error {
            completionHandler(nil, headers, statusCode, error)
        } else {
            if let entityData = jsonData {
                completionHandler(T.fromJSON(data: entityData), headers, statusCode, nil)

to intend to use it like this:

HTTPClient.sharedInstance().getEntity(type: Translation, url: url) { (translation, _, _, _) in
    // do stuff with Translation instance

and here is the JSONSerializable protocol:

import Foundation
import SwiftyJSON

protocol Serializable: Codable {
    static func deserialize<T: Codable>(data: Data) -> T?
    func serialize() -> Data?

extension Serializable {
    static func deserialize<T: Decodable>(data: Data) -> T? {
        let decoder = JSONDecoder()
        decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
        decoder.dateDecodingStrategy = .formatted(DateFormatter.iso8601Full)
        return try? decoder.decode(T.self, from: data)
    func serialize() -> Data? {
        let encoder = JSONEncoder()
        encoder.keyEncodingStrategy = .convertToSnakeCase
        encoder.dateEncodingStrategy = .formatted(DateFormatter.iso8601Full)
        return try? encoder.encode(self)

protocol JSONSerializable: Serializable {
    func toJSON() -> JSON?
    static func fromJSON<T>(data: JSON) -> T?

extension JSONSerializable {
    func toJSON() -> JSON? {
        if let data = self.serialize() {
            return try? JSON(data: data)
        } else {
            return nil

This allows me to define a struct like this:


struct Translation: Hashable, Identifiable, JSONSerializable {
    var id: UUID
    static func fromJSON(data: JSON) -> Translation? {

and I will get serialize, deserialize, toJSON functions. But the compiler complains that Translation does not conform to JSONSerializable, due to lack of:

static func fromJSON<T>(data: JSON) -> T?. I thought I would be able to implement that function with a concrete type, Translation in this case.

I would like to be both able to do Translations.fromJSON(data: data) as well as T.fromJSON(data: data). How can I achieve this?


Generics (<T>) means that your method can work with any type that the caller (not the callee, not the implementer, not anyone else) specifies. In the case of fromJSON, this is clearly not the case. Any concrete implementation of fromJSON only works with T being the enclosing type, so fromJSON is not suitable to be generic.

When a method "only works with T being the enclosing type", it is the use case of Self types:

protocol JSONSerializable: Serializable {
    func toJSON() -> JSON?
    static func fromJSON(data: JSON) -> Self?

This way, your Translation implementation would conform to the protocol.

Similarly, deserialise should also be declared as:

static func deserialize(data: Data) -> Self?

If you actually want a JSONSerialisable that can turn JSON into any type that the caller wants, then it's less of a JSONSerialisable, and more of a JSONSerialiser, and it doesn't make much sense to inherit from Codable in that case.

Collected from the Internet

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