How can I emit from component and listen from another one?


I have in Layout.vue to components one TheSidebar second TheHeader, there is a button in TheHeader to open the sidebar in TheSidebarcomponent.

I need to when I click the button in header open the sidebar:

My try:

in TheHeader:

methods: {
  openSidebar() {

in TheSidebar

data() {
  return {
    sidebarOpen: false,
mounted() {
  this.$root.$on("open-sidebar", (this.sidebarOpen = true));

I'm using VUE 3 so I got this error in console: TypeError: this.$root.$on is not a function so How can communicate ?

Aaron Saunders

you can use something like tiny emitter it works fine and doesn't care about parent child relationship

var emitter = require('tiny-emitter/instance');
emitter.on('open-sidebar', ({isOpen}) => {
emitter.emit('open-sidebar', {isOpen : true} );

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