Can't assign [ngClass] to Angular components generated by *ngFor loop


I'm trying to follow an example showing how to bind a class active to a component when it's clicked. When I execute the code based on the markup below

<div *ngFor="let menu of menus;"

I get the following error. NB - there's onClick(...) method in the component and at the moment I commented out all its contents. The error seems to be purely related to the markup (unless I need to declare something extra in the component, like an array or such). At least as far I've seen the examples while googlearching this issue.

Uncaught Error: Template parse errors:
Parser Error: Unexpected token ':' at column 9 in ['active'] in ng:///AppModule/NavigatorComponent.html@11:9 ("
[ERROR ->][ngClass]="'active'"
"): ng:///AppModule/NavigatorComponent.html@11:9

What am I missing?

Günter Zöchbauer

'active' isn't a valid expression.

User either the object literal syntax


or the string syntax

[ngClass]=" ? 'active' : null"



Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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