How is Self in protocol interpreted in subclass?


After reading an discussion about using Self in protocol, I did an experiment (see code below). I thought the code would fail to compile because, from my understanding, for class B to conform to Copyable protocol, it should have init(_ instance: B), which I didn't define. But the code actually works.

I wonder why? Thanks for any explanation.

 1  import Foundation
 2  protocol Copyable: class {
 3      init(_ instance: Self)
 4  }
 5  class A: Copyable {
 6      var x: Int
 8      init(x: Int) {
 9          self.x = x
10      }
12      required init(_ instance: A) {
13          self.x = instance.x
14      }
15  }
16  class B: A {
17      var y: Int
19      init(x: Int, y: Int) {
20          self.y = y
21          super.init(x: x)
22      }
24      required init(_ instance: A) {
25          self.y = 1
26          super.init(instance)
27      }
28  }
29  var a = A(x:1)
30  var b = B(a)
Joakim Danielson

According to the documentation Self in this case will be A since A is the one conforming to the protocol, B is only doing it indirectly as a subclass of A.

So when A conforms to Copyable you are saying that A and all its subclasses must have an init(_ instance: A)

In a protocol declaration or a protocol member declaration, the Self type refers to the eventual type that conforms to the protocol.

You can actually test this by removing the required init(_ instance: A) init and you will get an error even if you have an init(_ instance: B), so since A is the class conforming to the protocol you must have an init where the instance argument is A

Collected from the Internet

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