Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {})


I am sending through socket.io an object to a react application like this:

function getApiAndEmit(socket, quote) 
        var { ticker, type, price, size, timestamp } = quote;
        socket.emit("FromAPI", quote);
        //console.log(ticker, type, price, size, timestamp)
    catch (error) 
        console.error(`Error: ${error.code}`);

When I try to render it on the client side, I get the error:

If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead or wrap the object using createFragment(object) from the React add-ons.

What is the correct way to render the fields on the web browser with react?

The code

import React, { Component } from "react";
import socketIOClient from "socket.io-client";

class App extends Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      response: {},
      endpoint: ""

componentDidMount() {
    const { endpoint } = this.state;
    const socket = socketIOClient(endpoint);
    socket.on("FromAPI", data =>  this.setState({ response: data }));

render() {
    const { response } = this.state;
    return (
      <div style={{ textAlign: "center" }}>
          ? <ul>
              Quote: {response}
          : <p>Loading...</p>}

export default App;

React can't render objects. To bypass the error immediately, put in the following:

        ? <ul><li>Quote: {JSON.stringify(response)}</li></ul>
        : <p>Loading...</p>

If response is an array of Strings:

<ul>Quote: { response.map((item, index) => (<li key={index}>{item}</li>)) }</ul>

If response is an array of objects:

<ul>Quote: { response.map((item, index) => (<li key={index}>{item.quote}</li>)) }</ul>

If response is an object:

<ul><li>Quote: {response.quote}</li></ul>

Collected from the Internet

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