How to select columns from joined tables: laravel eloquent

Anil P Babu

I have a different problem from this. The scenario is same but I am in need of more filtration of the results.

Let me explain.

Consider I have 2 tables





I want to select only id and name from both tables(Models). The Vehicle Model contain a belongsTo relation to Staff model.

class Vehicle extends Model
    public function staff()
      return $this->belongsTo('App\Staff','staff_id');

and I joined using this

            ->with(['staff'=> function($query){
                            // selecting fields from staff table

When I put fields in ->get() like this


it filters the vehicle table but produce no result of Staff table.

Any ideas?

Anil P Babu

Finally found it.. In the ->get() you have to put the 'staff_id' like this

            ->with(['staff'=> function($query){
                            // selecting fields from staff table

Since I didn't take the staff_id, it couldn't perform the join and hence staff table fields were not shown.

Collected from the Internet

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