Xcode 12.5 beta 3, Swift 5.3 fails to check Any for nil value


I have the following test that succeeds in all Xcode versions released for last few years except for Xcode 12.5 beta 3:

var nilString: String? = nil
var dict: [String: Any] = ["hello": nilString as Any]
var element = dict["hello"] as Any
print(type(of: element))

switch element {
    case Optional<Any>.none:
        print("element is nil")
        assertionFailure("element is not nil. wtf?")

In Xcode 12.4 I get this printed

element is nil

Wheras in Xcode 12.5 beta 3 I get this printed

Fatal error: element is not nil. wtf?

Can somebody shed some light on this issue? How can I check Any for nil now? Would it be fixed in release candidate?

UPDATED Want to be confused even more?

var nilString: String? = nil
var element: Any = nilString as Any
print(type(of: element.self))

switch element {
    case Optional<Any>.none:
        print("element is nil")
        assertionFailure("element is not nil")


element is nil

I suppose something wrong happens with my nilString when being put in dictionary.


Thanks to Jessy for pointing out on the idea that Optional<Any> may actually have some value inside and that could be nil. I've come up with a function that checks Any for nil and it works in both old and newest Xcode (something has definitely been changed in 12.5 beta 3 that had broken the old test, i.e. putting nil casted to Any into a dictionary value leads the value to be wrapped into Optional<Any>.some instead of treating it as Optional<Any>.none):

func isOptional(_ instance: Any) -> Bool {
    let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: instance)
    let style = mirror.displayStyle
    return style == .optional

func checkIfAnyIsNil(_ v: Any) -> Bool {
    if (isOptional(v)) {
        switch v {
        case Optional<Any>.none:
            return true
        case Optional<Any>.some(let v):
            return checkIfAnyIsNil(v)
            return false
    } else {
        return false


var nilString: String? = nil
var dict: [String: Any] = ["nilString": nilString as Any]

assert(checkIfAnyIsNil(dict["nilString"] as Any))
assert(checkIfAnyIsNil(nilString as Any))
assert(checkIfAnyIsNil("some string" as Any) == false)

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