How to not apply [routerLink] on a child element?


I want to make a child element to trigger it own click even , and don't respond to it parent element having [routerLink], the problem is the child element can't run it delete() function in (click)="delete()" it just follow it parent in [routerLink] (it navigate to /product/:id)

    <div class="item">

<!-- parent element -->
    <a [routerLink]="['/product/']">
        <div class="figure">
          <div class="sides">
            <div class="side">
              <div class="card">
<img class="img" [src]="product.thumb"> 
                <div class="content">
                  <div class="header">{{}}</div>
                  <div class="meta"> <span>product.category</span> </div>
                <div class="extraContent"> <span class="ui right floated black">

                <!-- child element -->
                <a (click)="delete()" ><i class="red trash outline icon"></i></a></span> <span><i class="deleteProductIcon"></i></span> </div> 
                <!-- child element -->

<!-- parent element -->


I tried to move [routerLink] to an upper div but it still doing the same behavior


if you stopPropgation in the delete function() the event won't bubble up to the anchor tag with the routerLink

// pass in the event object to the delete function
<a (click)="delete($event)" ><i class="red trash outline icon"></i></a>

// in the delete function, stop event propagation

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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