There is a way to Sync a Google Sheet with a SQL or NoSQL Database?


As im not a developper i often use Google Spreadsheets to prototype my projects.

Now I would like to connect a sheet to a database (like Mongo). As my data can changes daily (i also use Zapier for automated actions) i assume it would be more easy to Sync my sheet with the database i use.

After a search on the Internet, i didnt find a solution. Do you have any clue ?

Thanks, Seb.

Kresimir Pendic

You can use free 1GB of firebase (cloud noSQL DB) for free, and if that's good enough for you then you can sync data from G Sheets->Firebase via custom Library,, more details here:

my video could help you maybe:

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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