Is it possible to put a constructor function inside a constructor function inside another constructor?


I am making a project where Python 3 features can be added into JavaScript. For example, "in".

My question is, can I make a constructor function inside a constructor function inside a constructor? For example:

var foo = new function foo() { = function(Variable1) {
        this.def = function() {
            // code
        return ""; // to prevent error with undefined

foo and works, but doesn't. I messed with it and tried to do foo.def, and it worked. I'm confused; why does foo.def work, but not

[Why am I thinking of doing this? I want to replicate the "in" keyword from Python 3 (like
if (5 in [5, 2, 3]): ... # returns true) to make it easier (for (var i = 0; etc.)) to do in JavaScript. In that case, I wanted to do something like foo.v("h").$in.v2("hello world") returns true. Thanks for all the help!]

EDIT: Thanks for all the help from all the commenters. ;)

T.J. Crowder

I wanted to do something like foo.v("h").$in.v2("hello world") returns [sic] true

Since you don't want to call foo as a constructor (there's no new in your example), you don't want foo to be a constructor. Just have it return an object with a v property which refers to a function that, in turn, stores the value given to it and returns an object with an $in property (and probably others) which returns a function (functions) with a v2 property that calculates the result.

For example, here those are all the same object, but you may well use different objects for different states; see comments:

// The operations we allow, including how many operands they expect
var operations = {
    // We'll just do $in for now
    $in: {
        operandCount: 2,
        exec: function(operands) {
            return String(operands[1]).indexOf(String(operands[0])) != -1;
// Prototype of objects returned by `foo`
var proto = {
    // `v` sets the next operand; if we have an operation and we have enough
    // operands, it executes the operation; if not, returns `this` for chaining
    v(operand) {
        if (!this.operands) {
            this.operands = [];
        if (this.operation && this.operation.operandCount == this.operands.length) {
            return this.operation.exec(this.operands);
        return this;
    // `$in` is defined as a property with a getter to satisfy your syntax.
    // In general, getters with side-effects (like this one) are a Bad Thing™,
    // but there can be exceptions... Returns `this` because `$in` is an infix
    // operator.
    get $in() {
        if (this.hasOwnProperty("operation")) {
            throw new Error("Cannot specify multiple operations");
        this.operation = operations.$in;
        return this;

// `foo` just creates the relevant object
function foo() {
    return Object.create(proto);

// Examples:
console.log("Should be true:", foo().v("h").$in.v("hello world"));
console.log("Should be false:", foo().v("h").$in.v("nope, don't 'ave it"));

Collected from the Internet

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