Spring Data MongoRepository between for int values


having a class such as (this is kotlin, but the code is very understandable):

interface ScoresRepository : MongoRepository<Score, String> {
    fun countAllByScoreIsBetween(min: Int, max: Int): Int

data class Score(
    @Id var score: Int,

Is the between inclusive or exclusive? That is, if I have scores 1-10, and I called: countAllByScoreIsBetween(3,6) would I get 4 or 2? or maybe something else - bottom is inclusive and top is exclusive?


Tests (with testcontainers) show this:

lateinit var scoresRepository: ScoresRepository

fun test() {
    for (i in 1..10) {
        scoresRepository.save(Score(score = i))

    val count = scoresRepository.countAllByScoreIsBetween(3, 6)


So as far as I see, both params are not included. That is, Between means everything between the values, not including the values themselves.

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