Azure Data Factory Pipeline Consumption Details


I got a Azure Data Factory provisioned and is being shared by different department for their piece of work.

Orchestration Framework is common. But individual pipelines are specific to the departments needs.

Now it's getting hard to split the bill between agencies.
How can I get the Consumption (DIU's) details from ADF by pipeline to split the bill.

enter image description here

Or is there better way to do this?

Leon Yue

Like you said, It's very hard to split the bill. Just for now, there isn't a better way to do this. The pipeline run consumption view shows you the amount consumed for each ADF meter for the specific pipeline run, but it does not show the actual price charged, because the amount billed to you is dependent on the type of Azure account you have and the type of currency used.

We only can manually calculate the cost by the Pricing calculator

The Azure bills only show the total cost, for example: enter image description here

I think Data Factory produce team should improve this. Since we can see the pipeline run consumption, and login with the Azure account, it should know our Azure account type and the type of currency used. Default is USD.

I would suggest you add a new feedback and we can help you vote it.


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