FromHeader Asp.NET Core binding to default value


I'm testing Asp.Net core WebApi with the following basic controller:

public class TestController
    public int Multiply(int x, int y)
        return x * y;

Then, in Fiddler, I send the following request:

enter image description here

And, for some reason, the response is 0. Both x and y are binded to the default integer value when entering the method.

I also tried:

public class TestController
    public int Multiply([FromHeader]int x, [FromHeader]int y)
        return x * y;

But the result is the same. What am I doing wrong?


form headers accept string not int so your code should be

public class TestController
        public int Multiply([FromHeader]string x, [FromHeader]string y)

            return Int32.Parse(x) * Int32.Parse(y);

you have to get values of x and y in string and convert it to int

Collected from the Internet

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