Formatting the Powershell script object output?

Senior Systems Engineer

The script does is to Go to each of the Azure Subscription and then list the VM properties and then create the PSObjects to capture the output in a meaningful and useful format.

Get-AzSubscription | ForEach-Object {
    $subscriptionId = $_.Id
    $subscriptionName = $_.Name
    Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId

    $VM = Get-AzVM

    # Get NIC id
    $NICId = $VM.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces[0].id
    # Get NIC
    $NIC = Get-AzNetworkInterface -ResourceId $NICId
    # Get public ip id
    $PIPId = $
    # Get public ip
    $PIP = Get-AzResource -ResourceId $PIPId
    # Output
        Subscription             = $subscriptionName
        VMName                   = $VM.Name
        VMRG                     = $VM.ResourceGroupName
        VMLocation               = $VM.Location
        IpAddress                = $PIP.Properties.ipAddress
        PublicIPAllocationMethod = $PIP.Properties.publicIPAllocationMethod
        FQDN                     = $pip.Properties.dnsSettings.fqdn
} | Out-GridView

However, the result is mixed up and not in the correct format like the below:


enter image description here

Format-Table -Autosize

Subscription             : Corp-Azure-Dev-subs
VMName                   : {prod1-build, corpbuild-image, corpplus-build-server, u2api...}
VMRG                     : {corp-prod1-BUILD, corp-PLUS-BUILD-SETUP, corp-PLUS-BUILD-SETUP, ERP-Acorp-DEV...}
VMLocation               : {eastus, east, centralus, westus...}
IpAddress                :
PublicIPAllocationMethod : Static
FQDN                     : 

I think you're outputting multiple object types. From the looks of it the line:

Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId

Might be causing the issue. Remember anything you output is fed down the pipe. So, the likely problem is Out-Griview doesn't know what to do with a multi-typed array. Try sending that like to Out-Null to see if it rights the Out-GridView result.

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