Can anyone help me with I/O redirection of C/C++ Program to a File without using filestreams on


I'm trying to do I/O redirection in the open shell on Taking the input from one file to run through the program. Outputting to a new file but nothing shows up? I'm only used to doing it from Windows using the CMD.


~/maybe-lab6and7$ clang-7 -pthread -lm -o main main.c < address.txt > 

After compiling and linking your program, if no compile problems and no link problems occur, you will have an executable in the current directory. (Lets say the executable is named: main.)

Then, after changing the program permissions so main is executable,
you can execute the program similar to:

./main  < sourcedata.txt  > destinationdata.txt

The result is that main can read the sourcedata.txt file from stdin and the output from the program (instead of being displayed on the terminal) will be written to destinationdata.txt.

Collected from the Internet

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