How do I construct a random sample from a subdivided population?

Ben S.

Suppose there are 1000 people and they are all asked if their favorite meal is breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I store that info in a list like:

mylist = [350, 450, 200]

i.e. 350 people like breakfast, 450 like lunch, 200 like dinner.

How do I randomly sample 100 people and get a similar list back? That is I want to get randomly sampled lists like

[35, 45, 20]
[33, 42, 25]
[37, 46, 17]


EDIT: I want to add one thing. The desired behavior is sampling without replacement. Suppose that, following the above example, I want to sample 999 people from the original 1000. It shouldn't be possible to get a list back that is, for instance, [350, 458, 201], because there aren't 201 people who like dinner.

Miriam Farber

This will do the job:

import numpy as np

And more generally:

import numpy as np

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