Enable the php_fileinfo extension?

Phan Thành

I am trying to post images in the image file format. My Code:

public function store ()
    $data = request()->validate ([
        'caption' => 'required',
        'image' => 'required | image | mimes: jpeg, png, jpg, gif, svg | max: 2048'

    dd (request()->all());

But an error appears:

Unable to guess the mime type as no guessers are available (Did you enable the php_fileinfo extension?).

I learned on StackOverflow enable file info. Meanwhile, I made sure to turn it on and reset it. My PHP version is 7.4 XAMPP 3.2.4.

Thank you, everyone!

Phan Thành

I installed xampp which is not suitable for the php version so it failed to install the php_file extension. You just need:

B1: Uninstall current xampp.
B2: Reinstall xampp to match the PHP version.
B3: Turn on the appropriate utilities.

Hope this answer is of help to you!

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