Is there any way to get a bot to create a guild on Discord?


I'm using discord.js V12, and I am trying to get my bot to create a guild with a channel in it. However, I'm unable to fix this error "TypeError: channels is not iterable". This is my current code:

client.on("message", async message => {
    if(message.content == "?createGuild") {
        let guild = await client.guilds.create("Test Guild", {channels: {id: 1, type: "text", name: "invite-channel"}}).catch(err => {console.log(err)});        
        let guildchannel = await guild.channels.find(cha => == "invite-channel");
        let invite = await guildchannel.createInvite({maxAge: 0, unique: true, reason: "Testing."});`${invite.code} is the server I created!`);

Can anyone help me out?


Client.guilds.create takes as a second parameter an options Object. Options.channels takes an Array, containing multiple objects, each object representing a channel. You are providing an Object instead.

Note that everyone can create a Guild since you have no restrictions on this command.

client.on("message", async message => {
    if (message.content == "?createGuild") {
        const Guild = await client.guilds.create("Test Guild", {
            channels: [
                {"name": "invite-channel"},

        const GuildChannel = Guild.channels.cache.find(channel => == "invite-channel");
        const Invite = await GuildChannel.createInvite({maxAge: 0, unique: true, reason: "Testing."});`Created guild. Here's the invite code: ${Invite.url}`);

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