Button turns blue on press (not outline, not select highlight)


I have a button that turn blue when the user holds on to it for a while sample below on mobile. Sample below

enter image description here

This not an issue with ::selected or outline has i have added that and it didn't work.

The whole button turns blue for a few seconds and disappears. How do i stop the button from turning blue?

Ritika Gupta

As I could infer from your problem statement, the background-color of your button might be changing due to :active pseudo-class acting on it which stays for few seconds of click on button and then when click is released it disappears. You may target the button:active selector and override the behavior with the desired background-color and color. I have tried creating a mock of what may help you.

background-color: blue;
color: #ffffff;
height: 32px;
/* scenario you might need to override with the background color you want to retain */
background: darkblue;
<button type="submit">Trial</button>

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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