Export function returns undefined


I am trying to display the content of the selected li tag based on its content. Eg: if user click color, the content should display all the colors. Otherwise, shapes will display all shapes.

The above is just an example but what I want to achieve is something similar. I have 2 svelte components. SchemaNav.svelte basically handles the Tab function between different li items. And Table.svelte handles the tables that I want the content to be displayed.


var list;
    export function onItemClick(names) {
         list = names.table_name; //to get the selected li value 
        return list;

    {#if activeItem === "common"}
        <div class="content">
            <div class="tname">
                {#each name as names }
                    {#if names.table_schema === activeItem}
                            <li on:click={() => onItemClick(names)}>
            <Table  />


import {onItemClick} from './SchemaNav.svelte';
            <table class="table table-bordered table-hover dt-responsive">
                <caption class="text-center">Column names</caption>
                            <th>Column Name</th>
                            <th>Data Type</th>
                    {#if {onItemClick} === info.table_name}
                    {#each info as item}

The error I'm getting is:GET http://localhost:3000/client/undefined net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found) (anonymous) @ catalog:70

How do I get the selected Li item to display its content accordingly...


I’m not exactly sure what you want to do. I think you should make a very simple example with REPL, then you would get better answers.

Maybe one solution would be:

Give the table-component the list as a prop <Table {list} /> and in the table-component export let list. Now you have a reference to selected list in the table-comp.

Here is a REPL:

You can also give the table a filtered list, which includes all the info you need to show and then you won’t need to do any processing in the table-comp, only show the data.

Here is a REPL for a second solution:

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