PowerShell - CSV - Multiple Headers and Values - Foreach - Use Header and Value


I have a CSV -

sampleTitle,MyCompany,Office365,sampleMonday,11.0,Luke Wilkins,2020-05-08T19:10:08Z

I'd like to enumerate through that CSV and use both the header and the value. Is there a way without specifying $variable.title, $variable.client etc


Doug Maurer

You have some options depending on how you want to use them. I'm going to expand your example to help all of us.

Create the sample file

$tempfile = New-TemporaryFile

sampleTitle1,MyCompany1,Office365,sampleMonday,11.0,Luke Wilkins,2020-05-08T19:10:08Z
sampleTitle2,MyCompany2,Office365,sampleMonday,12.0,Luke Wilkins,2020-05-08T19:10:08Z
'@ | Out-File $tempfile -Encoding utf8

Import the CSV

$csvdata = Import-Csv $tempfile

To simply get each header/value this is one way.

$csvdata | foreach {
    $_.psobject.properties | foreach {
        "Name: {0}`nValue: {1}" -f $_.name,$_.value

Which shows (trimmed)

Name: title
Value: sampleTitle1
Name: client
Value: MyCompany1
Name: tech
Value: Office365
Name: name
Value: sampleMonday
Name: version
Value: 11.0
Name: createdby
Value: Luke Wilkins
Name: created
Value: 2020-05-08T19:10:08Z

Something I frequently do is create custom objects with the headers as the properties.

$csvdata | foreach {
    $ht = [ordered]@{}
    $_.psobject.properties | foreach {$ht += @{$_.name = $_.value}}
} -OutVariable hashtable

Which shows and stores the following output

title     : sampleTitle1
client    : MyCompany1
tech      : Office365
name      : sampleMonday
version   : 11.0
createdby : Luke Wilkins
created   : 2020-05-08T19:10:08Z

title     : sampleTitle2
client    : MyCompany2
tech      : Office365
name      : sampleMonday
version   : 12.0
createdby : Luke Wilkins
created   : 2020-05-08T19:10:08Z

And if you need to create a property list out of the column headers you can use

$props = $csvdata | select -First 1 | foreach {$_.psobject.properties.name}


$props = (Get-Content $tempfile -TotalCount 1).split(',')

And we can use the properties to access the data in the hashtable variable like this.

$props |  foreach {$hashtable.$_}

Or by using the property index

1..3 | foreach {$hashtable.($props[$_])}

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